Guide to your child’s mental health
By Koh Xin Jie Raiyi on 04/11/2022

(Source: PAP Community Foundation)
Taking care of your child’s mental health is just important as safeguarding their physical well-being. Mental health plays a huge role in our child’s development and overall well-being. Good mental health allows your child to develop mentally, socially, and academically.
As a parent, you play a huge role in supporting and safeguarding your child’s mental well-being. From the things you say to your actions and the environment you create at home, they are all factors that impact your child’s mental health.
Here we will be sharing a few tips on how you can look after your child’s mental health.
Create a safe and positive environment at home
An environment where your child is able to feel secure is imperative for healthy development and a successful future.
To ensure that your child’s mental health is looked after, we must provide them with a place that feels safe and open. The key to creating a safe and open home environment for your child is about more than just meeting their fundamental needs for survival
- Form a supportive emotional environment.
- Be empathetic when your child makes mistakes
- Engage in healthy communication with our spouses
- Act as a pillar of support for your child
From how you react to mistakes made to how you interact with your spouse, these are elements that you should take note of as they affect your child’s capabilities in communication. You should let our children know that it is perfectly normal to make mistakes as long as they learn from them and that you are their pillar of support if they require any advice.

Lead by example
Children are very diligent and notice everything. They absorb what they hear and see, therefore we should always be aware of how we portray ourselves when dealing with setbacks. They oftentimes look at their parents and mimic actions, hence it is important that you make an effort to look after your own mental well-being and display good habits.
Let your child see how you navigate these feelings and it is perfectly fine to allow your child to know that you’re upset about a tough day or sad about an experience and show them how you cope.
Examples include:
- Reading
- Meditating
- Journaling
- Exercising
Or any other positive ways to cope with setbacks. Set examples and allow them to see the positive life choices that you are making.
Remember that you are your child’s biggest role model and if you want to improve their mental wellness and instill good habits, you must set a good example.