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Back-to-school series: Tips for preschool parents (with NEW Prep Jr Home-Learning Kit!)

By Chan Hoi Ki on 23/06/2022

The sad news is – the June Holidays are almost ending! I hope that this month-long break was well-deserved and fruitful to serve as a family bonding time for everyone. Most kids will dread the end of a long holiday and they are unlikely to be mentally prepared for it. Fret not – here are some tips as a parent to prepare your children to return back to their school routine.

  1. Fix a daytime schedule

Get your kids used to a regular routine, ideally to begin up to 2 weeks before the end of the holidays. It can be something as simple as a fixed sleeping & waking time, meal times and even playtime. This helps instil discipline back into your child.

  1. Limiting screen time

If you have been letting go of your kids’ screen time during the holidays, it’s best to revert back to a strict limited screen time 2 weeks before the end of the holidays as well. It is certainly hard to resist the engaging cartoons and games that are readily available on our smart devices nowadays. However, as a parent it should be your duty to manage the content and the amount of time spent on them. 

  1. Setting a next day chore the night before

To get your child to get used to a set timetable like in school for them, start planning the next day’s chores ahead of time the night before. It can be as simple as putting away their toys, wiping the surfaces or getting a grocery run together. By prepping your kid’s schedule for the day, they know what tasks they are expected to complete and are better able to organise their activities effectively. Successfully completing a task also lets your kid build confidence and independence. 

  1. Communicate with your kids openly

Let your kid know to express their feelings to you openly. Allow them air out any concerns or anxieties they have about returning to school –  as parents you should reassure or address their feelings. Provide the emotional support they need to further bond with your child as they fully place their trust in you. At the same time, build up their anticipation by bringing up the exciting aspects about school – friends, teachers, activities. 

  1. Home Learning Activities

Utilising home-based learning activity sheets will help ease your child back to the groove of school. Activities can be centred around classroom rules to have your child familiarise themselves in a school setting. Others can be colouring or writing activities that your child can utilise their brand new school supplies that they are so excited to begin using! 

The Prep Junior Home-learning Kit is the perfect activity to bond and interact with young learners. It comes with instructions and guides for all 8 activities (that matches the storyline and gameplay of our Prep Junior app!) with easily accessible materials that you’re likely to have in school or at home!

Each activity also shares how this will help your young learners’ development and extra tips on making it more engaging. 

Sign up to download the Prep Junior Home-learning Kit, specially crafted by our educator experts!

Source: 1 | Featured Image Source: British Council Singapore